I actually created a blog on both Wordpress and Blogger, it just fit me better to work from blogger now. I eventually will own a domain so I can remove that pesky “.blogspot” tag but first I want to get a foundation on what it is to be a blogger.
I use Post-Its often. I get an idea, I write it on the post-it. It will go there before I put it in my notebook.
2. Notebooks
I use two different notebooks for blogging. I have my “blogging” notebook which is where I write out any tips, tricks, notes, etc. specifically about blogging in general. This notebook is useful because I love learning but I also like to stay organized so I am able to keep my tips and tricks separate from my ideas. My second notebook is my writing notebook. This notebook is where I write all of my drafts before I type them up, all of my ideas and brainstorming is in this notebook.
3. Calendar
I also use a calendar as my ‘editorial calendar’. With this I am able to plan out my posts in advance, as well as figure out what will go into the post.
4. iPad Mini
I love my iPad Mini. It was a gift from my husband and I didn’t know what I was missing until this precious tool came into my life. I use it every single day. I read other blogs on it. I take notes on it. I save pictures. I browse Pinterest. Like I said, this gadget is precious.
5. Camera(s)
For photos, I am using three different cameras. I have my iPhone 5, my FujiFilm Finepix t400 slim body camera, and the Canon EOS Rebel T5i Digital SLR camera. I am used to being in front of the camera so I am still learning about being behind the camera. Practice makes perfect so welcome to my evolution.
6. MacBook Pro
Last but certainly not least, I use my MacBook Pro for everything else. I am never going back to a PC. You couldn’t pay me enough.
So there you have it. After blogging for about a month, these are the things that I use. I’m sure it will change but I like my set up right now.
What do you use as your blogging tools? Share and comment below.
Own Your BEAUT!
I have the iPad 2, but would love to invest in or be gifted with the iPad mini - it would be much more convenient for my life. My blogging tools are about the same as yours - MacBook Pro, camera, and notebook. I use my iPhone 5 for quick notes.
I use my iPhone 5 from time to time but I always forget that I have notes in there. It's really sad. Then when I do remember it's no longer relevant- at least I don't think it is- but maybe I should try it again.
DeleteI only remember if it was a really, really good idea. And then I'm like, "I know I wrote that down somewhere...where is it?" Then I check my notes, and it's there.
I'm so limited with my blogging tools...I have my Galaxy 5S and iPad 2. I have 2 point and shoot cameras but no way to get pics off my sd cards so I just use either my phone or iPad.
ReplyDeleteI don't use anything unfortunately which is bad but I want to start having a routine, I usually have an idea then write a word down quickly to remind me. lol definitely need a new method great post.
ReplyDeleteI'm still learning. Right now I use my Samsung ST150F. It's no SLR but it is wayyyyy better than my iPhone 4 & 4S. My iPhone 5 I've used at times (I know I have three phones. There is a good reason for that I swear!). Although my Samsung is sharp and clear and crisp it's still no Nikon and I'm on the fence actually about getting a better camera.
I have a notebook that I like to use and a calendar but it's mostly for personal use. I probably will incorporate your tips&tricks and writing categories and organize my blogging the same way.
That's pretty much it. I son have much since I just started blogging a little more frequently.
La Deutsche Diva