Friday, January 23, 2015

29 Lessons I've Learned in My 20's

Friday, January 23, 2015
Hey Beauties!
  It has been a hectic month! Since I recently celebrated my birthday,  I have decided to share 29 lessons that I have learned through trial and error as well as observation while in my twenties. Some of these lessons I am still learning. Ever learn a lesson early in life but you don't 'get it' until much later? Yes? Good! I thought I was the only one.

She has a lot of life left to live ;) 

So, these are just some of the simple lessons I have learned over the years...
  1. Mind your own business
  2. Don’t beg for acceptance
  3. Speak your mind tactfully
  4. Think before you speak
  5. What others think of you is none of your business
  6. Don’t force your opinion on someone else
  7. It’s okay to keep things private
  8. Be kind even when they are not
  9. Pay close attention to your gut
  10. Always reinvent yourself
  11. Find your passion 
  12. You are responsible for celebrating yourself
  13. Your purpose is always with you-sometimes you need to wear bifocals to find it
  14. You should be your first priority
  15. Be honest with yourself
  16. Read and expand your horizons
  17. If you don’t like something, find a solution
  18. Watch out for the bitter ones
  19. Dress to impress-always
  20. Take every opportunity presented
  21. Take risks
  22. Create what you want to see
  23. It’s okay to love from a distance
  24. You are not required to include everyone in your life
  25. It is okay to say NO
  26. You do not have to explain yourself
  27. Respect others space
  28. Write down your goals
  29. Love yourself
  30. (BONUS) It is never too late for new beginnings


  1. Happy belated birthday, Ola! Of all these lessons, I'd say that I'm still working every single day on #3. I'm easily angered by stuff that people do in real life and online (namely Twitter and Instagram). Sometimes, my temper gets the best of me when I see or hear stuff and I just go off without taking a moment to think about the consequences or the bigger picture. I'm getting better about articulating my thoughts more tactfully though as I learn that everything doesn't have to turn into a heated argument. The older I get the easier it gets for me to (1) not say anything at all or (2) try to say what I have to say as tactfully as possible.

    1. Thank you Drea! My anger rears its ugly head so much but instead of speaking my mind tactfully, I've just bottled it up. I had to stop that because the blowup IS REAL. Girl! Glad to see that someone else shares my 'issue'.

    2. Yes, yes! We're all works in progress.

  2. These are great. It took awhile before I learned A LOT of these. there's this thing psychiatrists call "residual behavior". I had to keep reliving the same mistakes until it dawned on me why. Sometimes we are so bewildered by our own emptiness we don't realize we keep making the same mistakes. At least I speak for me. Wish I had someone to show me the way.

    Thanks for sharing some of these I still haven't "gotten" yet. I just understand superficially.


    La Deutsche Diva

    1. Hi Shahida! Thank you for the birthday wishes! Like I said, i'm still learning most of these. It's is something that we have to work on a DAILY basis. You will be surprised how many people are in your corner and you probably don't even know it. It can be both surprising and overwhelming, but your destination is your greatness. Your route may change but the destination will remain the same.

  3. Ohhhhh and happy belated birthday girl!!!!


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