Monday, January 5, 2015

Monthly Goals

Monday, January 5, 2015

Hey Beauties!

I was inspired by Drea Hall of The Drea Daily to do a monthly goal post.  Since our new year has arrived in all of its glory, why not start now? This post will not only keep me accountable but if I put it out there I will get it done-or at least try. I am a procrastinating planner, if that makes any sense, and I have neglected setting goals for a long time. Here we go...

Prepare for move
My family and I will be moving to Europe soon and I’ve learned to mentally prepare for what could be (Sayonara Japan!). I’ve done some research about our new location but now I need to make it a priority. I will be making to-do lists like my life depended on it.

Scout for employment and housing
I have not had a traditional job in four years. To say that I miss the ‘corporate world’ is an understatement( odd, I know). I want to do some browsing to see what is available and if there is a chance that I could create a position for myself. Many times organizations don't know that they NEED you until you show them so never sell yourself short. Also, we have specific requirements for the type of house that we want so I am scouting areas and making my list.

Reboot resume’
I need to rework my resume because I have not had a traditional employment history yet I know I am qualified for what I want. I mean your resume' is all about selling yourself right? My new job is waiting for my arrival- I just know it.

Research more about blogging
I am really enjoying this new venture and I want to make sure that I stay consistent and learn as much as I can. My focus at this point is to remain authentic in my posts and social media presence, blog photography, and SEO. If you have any blogging tips, share them below!

Complete my volunteering assignment
I am doing some consulting for a private organization so this is a project that I need to complete this month.

Well we will see how January treats me. I have lots of plans for this month (including my birthday!!!!). What do you have planned for this month? Share and comment below.

Stay BEAUTiful!


  1. We have similar goals with blogging and volunteering. I actually start volunteering tomorrow :) It was on my 20 things to do before I turn 20 bucket list lol I have 8 months left so it's looking good. Love this post!

    Mona -

    1. Thankyou for visiting MonaLisa! I think it's great that you have your goals ready and your accomplishing them. Keep it up! Make sure you have fun in your 20's and set yourself up for success!

  2. Happy that I could inspire a post, Ola. Whew, you've got a lot on your plate this month. Moving is tough, even tougher when it's a cross-country move. Best of luck with planning and getting your ducks in a row. All of my blogging tips (brace yourself, shameless plug ahead) can be found on Many people I know are running from cubicles and the corporate world, so yeah, it's odd that you're ready to go back to it. But given that you've been away for four years, that's understandable. As you know, I'm currently looking for a job - hopefully I find something worthwhile before the spring. Good luck on achieving your monthly goals.

    1. Thank you Drea. Yeah It's a lot but I'm almost through it and then I have a lot more to go lol. I am not trying to have a cubicle life but if it's what I have to do to get my corner office then so be it lol. Don't despise small beginnings.

  3. I'm good at planning making schedules etc but still have a bit of a procrastination streak. I do daily to do lists and I progress check my resolutions. Monthly goals for just my blog sounds great! Thanks for the idea!

    How did you get the design for your blog?


    La Deutsche Diva

  4. Hi La Deutsche Diva! Glad that I am not the only one who lives by a to-do list. My blog theme/design is from Loving Life Designs. you should be able to find them through a google search. Hope that helps!


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