Wednesday, February 11, 2015

What Have You Been Up To This Month?

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Hey Beaut!

    I have been a bit of a hermit lately. I've been doing some research and listening to loads of podcasts from Courtney of Think & Grow Chick as well as Myliek Teele, the founder and CEO of CurlBox. These two women have been an awesome addition to my 'girlfriends in my head' group. They provide  valuable information about building your brand, entrepreneurship, and becoming your best self. Check them out, you will not regret it at all.

So this month is about half way over and I need to establish some goals for the remaining time. I've already started these but I have yet to share them so let's get to it - shall we?

1. Pack up child's travel bag.
      Traveling with a preschooler during a move can be intimidating but if you prepare, you will be golden. My preschooler will need toys, busy work, school work, and the appropriate clothing for the trip (To-Do lists for the win)!

2. Finish reading and purchase 2 new books from my wish list.
       I am currently reading Act Like A Success, Think Like A Success by Steve Harvey. I am enjoying it ---look for a review once I'm done.

3. Organize the direction for the blog.
      While I'm traveling, i will have time to think about the direction I want to take this blog. I have a lot of ideas so I need to decide and focus.

So those are my top goals for this month. I can't wait to move....and get my sanctuary (office)!!!!

What are some goals that you are working on this month?

1 comment:

  1. Some goals this month? Update the blog on a regular basis, take care of residence paperwork, prepare for this business trip, study Spanish and get out of his funk I started to slip in.

    Oh and be sure to post about famous and not so famous women during women's history month! (March). I slacked for February (Black history month).


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